Telegram has released its first official statement regarding the detention of its CEO, Pavel Durov. The announcement, posted on August 25, 2024, at around 7:00 PM UTC on Telegram’s News channel, reflects the company’s full support for Durov and expresses hope for a swift resolution to the ongoing issue.
The exact status of Pavel Durov remains unclear. Reports suggest that French authorities have yet to cooperate with the Russian embassy, adding to the uncertainty surrounding the case. As previously reported by Cointelegraph, an official statement from Paris authorities is anticipated on August 26.
Telegram’s statement does not provide specific details about the charges against Durov or confirm whether he has been formally arrested. Initial reports suggest that the detention may be related to alleged inadequacies in Telegram’s platform moderation. However, the lack of concrete information from the French government and further clarification from Telegram leaves many questions unanswered.
In its statement, Telegram voiced robust support for Durov and reiterated its commitment to resolving the matter quickly. The company’s stance underscores its dedication to its CEO amidst ongoing speculation and incomplete information about the nature of the charges or the status of the detention.
As the situation develops, further updates from both Telegram and French authorities are expected to shed light on the specifics of the case and Durov’s current status.
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