December 26, 2019

Industries That Will Greatly Benefit From Blockchain

It is often said that blockchains are only useful when they help coordinate economic activity in a completely decentralized and permissionless manner. For the most part, […]
December 26, 2019

Bitcoin Price: Sub-$7,000 or Explosive Rally to $10,000?

BTC seems to be at a crossroads as analysis seems to point at 2 ways the Bitcoin price could go in the coming sessions. One of […]
December 25, 2019

Staking Services Could Be the Real Money Baggers of 2020

Bitcoin started with Proof of Work (PoW), and almost every other cryptocurrency followed. Now, the paradigm is shifting toward Proof of Stake (PoS) as concerns regarding […]
December 25, 2019

Synthetic Assets As the Key to Financial Inclusion

Crypto enthusiasts often speak of “banking the unbanked”. However, this hasn’t really played out all that much, as Bitcoin and others have remained as an asset […]
December 25, 2019

Iran Proposes Creation of New Cryptocurrency to End US Dollar Dominance

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has proposed that Islamic countries should create a cryptocurrency in order to end the US dollar’s dominance in the world. At a recent […]
December 24, 2019

Bitcoin Price: Could BTC Keep Plugging Ahead After a Bearish Couple of Days?

Since hitting a high of $13,924 in June, Bitcoin has been falling steadily for 6 months, reaching its nadir last week when it went as low […]
December 24, 2019

What Is the True Purpose of Litecoin?

As things stand today, Litecoin is seen as an earlier version of Bitcoin Cash that essentially forked from the Bitcoin code, albeit non-contentiously, in order to […]
December 24, 2019

US Congressman Paul Gosar Introduces ‘Crypto-Currency Act of 2020’

In a clear indication that US lawmakers are getting serious about regulating the crypto space, a US Congressman representing the state of Arizona, Paul Gosar, has […]
December 23, 2019

Crypto Market Analysis 23rd Dec. – Bitcoin Price, ETH, XRP.

Fundamentally, the market hasn’t changed all that much in the last few days. Derivative open interest is declining, while volatility is starting to pick up. BTC […]
December 22, 2019

59% of the Existing Bitcoin Supply is Being Held Long-Term

While the trade volume of Bitcoin is higher than ever, the fact still remains that most Bitcoin is being held for the long term. According to […]

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